Junior Miss Pageant 9-11-10 |
What a ride it’s been here lately!
I hardly know where to start.
After my last post I did a photo shoot for the Junior Miss program in Wayne County. It is their first year having the pageant locally, and Casey Chudy did a magnificent job of organizing this event!
I had the honor of meeting 3 wonderful high school senior girls who were not only beautiful, but talented and smart, too! I did NOT envy the judges, as they had a very hard decision to make!
Jefferson Monument |
Shortly thereafter, I received a phone call from my eldest son (he is in the Air Force) who told me he was stateside and staying at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. I won’t go into all the details, but we jumped in the car the following Saturday morning and drove to DC to see him. Long story short, he is going to be medically discharged and should be stationed at our local base within the month. Of course, we felt the need to do a little sightseeing, and since he was able to go, Chris took us around and showed us some of the places I’ve only gotten to read about to this point. We saw the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Monument, the WWII Memorial, Jefferson Monument, Vietnam & Korean Memorials, and the Marine helicopters flew overhead several times on our walk back to the car. The entire morning was very moving to me, ESPECIALLY the sculptures by the Vietnam Memorial.
5K Run - Wayne Uplift Benefit |
After returning from DC, I had a short radio interview pertaining to domestic violence. (I am a survivor, so this is a subject near and dear to my heart.) The following weekend, I shot the 5k/1k run/walk, which was a benefit for Wayne Uplift, a program to help victims of domestic violence.
2010 Taste of Wayne County Winners |
Once I finished the post-processing of that shoot, I was contacted by the United Way of Wayne County and asked if I would mind shooting this year’s Taste of Wayne County on October 18th. Of course, I accepted. I ended up shooting just under 300 images of vendors, the judging of the food, contributors, the awards, the band, etc. Many of Wayne County’s finest dining establishments represented and offered samples of their yummy wares. I had so much fun that night! I was so busy running around shooting that I didn’t have time to really stop and sample a lot of food, but I can tell you that the Peruvian chicken I tasted was OUTSTANDING! :)
I just finished the post processing of those images last night, and am so excited to deliver the discs to the United Way.
I am taking a few days’ breather, but am in the process of gearing up for our Christmas portrait special, and I have also heard through the grapevine that many of this year’s Seniors are not terribly impressed with their portraits, so I would like to offer them a special, as well. This green screen isn’t hanging up in the studio for nothing!
Sooooo….Until next time….